In the state of Florida, you must carry proof of your vehicle’s registration with you whenever you are driving. The registration must be valid and up to date, as you can be ticketed for carrying an expired version of this certificate.
What exactly is vehicle registration, and why is it important? How often do you need to have yours renewed in Florida?
What Is a Vehicle Registration?
Your vehicle registration is nothing more than proof of payment on your vehicle’s tax and fees to the department of motor vehicles in a certain state. In Florida and most other states, the registration consists of your license plate, a decal, and a small certificate known as your physical registration.
What Is Needed to Register a Vehicle in Florida?
There are a few things you must present when you register your vehicle in Florida. You should be prepared with the following items whenever you plan to purchase a new registration.
Proof of insurance for the vehicle
A valid license
Proof of address
Title to the vehicle
If you have recently moved to Florida, one of the first things you should do is obtain a current registration for the state. This needs to be done within 30 days of establishing yourself as a resident of the state.
When Do I Need to Renew My Registration In Florida?
There is a difference between renewing your registration and replacing your license plates. Many drivers get the two confused.
License Plates
Your license plates aren’t actually what is renewed or exchanged when you renew your registration. You receive a new decal as part of the registration process, but your plates stay the same.
Your license plates belong to you and not the vehicle. In Florida, you must change or replace your license plates every 10 years. The registration, which is when you will receive a new decal for your license plates, is a different matter.
Your vehicle registration must be renewed every year in Florida. During this process, you will pay the annual fees and taxes on the vehicle you own.
Unless the owner of the vehicle is listed as a business or the vehicle is a heavy truck, all individuals receive the same type of date for renewing their vehicle. Every owner in the state of Florida is due to renew their registration the day before their birthday.
The registration expires at midnight on the owner’s birthday each year. This is why it’s important to handle it before your actual birthday.
Having the proper registration is important in the state of Florida, and it must be carried on you while driving at all times. Failure to keep your updated registration can lead to a ticket and a hefty fine that could have easily been avoided.
It’s even more if you present a registration that doesn’t belong on the vehicle at all. This, as well as riding with license plates that belong to a different person other than the owner of the vehicle, is a serious offense. Do yourself a favor and keep your registration updated and only ride with the proper license plates and decals!
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To learn more about Florida vehicle registration, check out these resources below: Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3